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10 Effective Tips to Boost your Article Writing Skills

 10  प्रभावी युक्तियाँ आपके लेख-लेखन कौशल को बढ़ावा देने के लिए लेख लेखन एक कला है, और यह हर किसी के चाय का प्याला नहीं है। यद्यपि जब यह ब्लॉगिंग की बात आती है, तो कोई भी यहां मीट्रिक के रूप में गुणवत्ता की अनदेखी करने वाला एक लेख लिख सकता है। लेकिन सामान्य रूप से भीड़ से बाहर खड़े होने के लिए, एक सामान्य वस्तु आपको अगले चरण में कभी नहीं ले जा सकती है। एक स्वतंत्र लेखक के रूप में, आप बहुत पैसा नहीं बना पाएंगे, और एक ब्लॉगर के रूप में आप एक छाप नहीं बना पाएंगे। आज, मैं आपके लेख लेखन कौशल को बेहतर बनाने के लिए कुछ युक्तियां साझा करूंगा। यदि आप एक उत्कृष्ट लेखक बनना चाहते हैं, तो आपको न केवल नीचे दिए गए सुझावों का पालन करना चाहिए, बल्कि इसे एक आदत बनाना चाहिए। अपने लेख लेखन में सुधार करने के लिए मूल सुझावों में से एक लेखन और अन्य लेखकों को पढ़ने का अभ्यास करना है। जब मैं अन्य लेखों को पढ़ने के बारे में बात करता हूं, तो आपको लेखन शैली पर ध्यान देना चाहिए और अपनी शब्दावली में सुधार करने के लिए नए शब्द सीखना शुरू करना चाहिए। वैसे भी, चलो सही युक्तियों में कूदें जो आपको अपने लेख लेखन...

How to make notes for exam

Before our exams come, we prepare some notes by which we can prepare our exams well and the notes we make are of such a way that they are fun to read and together  Let us remember them easily.

In my opinion, in a way, we can also assume that the notes mean that only the important things that help us in the exam, which saves us from a huge syllabus, and with that our time is also saved.  But you and all of us know how beneficial notes are for us, and with thinking the student starts making notes but he does not know the right way to make notes.

  That means he does not know in which way we make notes so that we can remember things easily and better.  So that before the time of examination, before we prepare all the subjects which are more difficult or which we have a little difficulty in understanding.  So let's know some tips and tricks that can completely change the way we make notes and which we can remember easily.

How to make top exam note's

  Today's phase is completely different from the old era, nowadays students like to print and read notes or prefer to read online.  Today I have not made the tips which I am going to tell you in my own way, after doing some research about them, I am telling you later.

  You can not remember things for a long period by making notes in the way that I will tell you in these tips and tricks, but you can easily remember them for some time by using these notes in the days before the exam.

1. What ? How much more write ?

  Notes preparation is the number one trick in which first we have to understand fully that we have to make notes based on how much and what to write in the notes, that is, before making notes, we have to see the important things that are eligible for the exam.  And if you do not know about it, then you can learn about it from your teacher, you can ask them important questions, which can come in your exam.  For this reason, you will be able to know easily that we can prepare your notes based on what and how much we have to write in the notes.

2. Chapter's

  When we start reading the topic first, write all the chapters of that topic in your notes so that we can know all the chapters.  Then take each chapter and make a column to write their name and their important information, in which the date and other information related to that name can be written, and by writing in this way, you will get information about all those characters of that chapter.  Easy language or easy way to remember.

3. Short paper's

  Most of you will know this trick and most of you will also use this trick.  This trick is considered easy by all these ways in which you can break some big words and write them in an easy language, for example, remember the names of all our Presidents made in India, in the first letter of their names.  Let's take a few words from it and make a line of all those words that we can remember like, Raja, Shyam, Mohan, Pankaj, Suresh can write it in such a way to remember them "Rash na Moh Pankaj Sudhare"  You can easily memorize it by writing it.  In this way, you can remember big words easily and remember them.

4. Change's way of writing 

  When writing something to make our notes, then we have to write our handwriting by changing it, that is, by changing the size or size of the letters, or you can also write by changing the color.  For example, we are writing a topic that describes a king.  So first of all, we have to write that topic in bold letters and can write the date and names in some length or in tall points. And you can write the rest of the information of the king in a different way or you can also change the color according to yourself.  Can write  What will happen with this is that this topic will sit in your mind well.  Meaning the image of this topic will be easily printed in your mind.  With which you will be able to easily answer this topic during the exam.


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